Universal Purpose and Your Unique Purpose

Universal Purpose vs. Unique Purpose

Universal Purpose

“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and thou shall glorify me.” Psalm

50:15 {emphasis are mine}

Each and every human being’s universal purpose is to glorify God. Whether you understand it

or not. Whether you know God or not. Whether you agree with me or not. You see, God is the

creator (the manufacturer) of all the human race; and because of this fact, we are all required to

live a life that brings credence to the Creator’s intention. Glorify means to bring reverent

attention to someone’s honor, fame and/or reputation. So; to glorify God, is to live a life that

reflects God’s fame, God’s honor and God’s reputation.

There is absolutely no failure; no insufficiency; no sickness; no sadness...in God. As a result,

when we live lives that are aligned with his reputation; it means we are living lives that are filled

with victory, abundance, health and happiness.

When you succeed, when you win, when you recover, when you smile, when you achieve; when

you forgive, when you love; you actually glorify God!

Consider an automobile manufacturer. An auto-maker’s name and reputation are enhanced and

strengthened when the products it manufactures have the distinction of performing exceedingly

well. And as long as the vehicles are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s intended

purpose, the cars and trucks should provide pleasure to both the producer and the end-user.

But to the contrary, when a car is used to haul heavy loads; when a two-seater coupe serves as

a family school bus; when a luxury sedan doubles as an off-road path-finder, disappointment is

the inevitable end-result. The manufacturer’s name gets smeared, when in fact, it was misuse

on the part of the end-user and not the manufacturer. Therefore; it is the company’s greatest

desire that the vehicles exiting its assembly line always function according to plan and at the

highest capability. After all; to do so, brings glory to the name of the manufacturer. And when the

manufacturers name is highly touted, more people began to demand what the manufacturer has

to offer.

When it comes to you and what you produce with your life, God desires; no, let me rephrase...

God NEEDS you to live (to perform) purposefully, powerfully, successfully, abundantly and

prosperously. When you do so, you bring glory to his name. And as a result, others began to

desire to partake of what God has to offer.

Unique Purpose

Now that you understand that your Universal Purpose is to glorify God, let’s look more in-depth

into how you are to accomplish this. You bring glory to God by functioning in your Unique

Purpose. Your unique purpose is that area of gifting, talent and/or assignment that is particular

to you and how you’re built.

When you examine the prior illustration of the auto manufacturer, it becomes easy to embrace

the idea of Unique Purpose. For example; you have BMW, which is an individual manufacturer,

that produces many different models within its line of cars and sport utility vehicles. Each model,

though it carries BMW’s name, has an intended purpose that is vastly diverse. BMW produces 2

door, 4 door, sports cars, sedans, wagons, 6, 8 and 12 cylinder engines as well as SUVs of

various sizes. Each model is designed for a unique purpose to address a particular need in the


In like fashion God created all mankind, and all of humanity carries his name. However; you

were made with unique gifts, talents, abilities and assignments. Nobody can do what you do, the

way that you do it. Nobody! You’re unique and so is your purpose.

It is imperative that you come to understand and operate in your Unique Purpose; and this

section of the book is designed to help you do just that. Following are a battery of questions that

will assist you to discover your Unique Purpose. In order to take full advantage of this process,

please get in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Really give thought to the questions.

Be sure to answer honestly...not how you think I want you to. Let’s get started.

Purpose-Identifying Questions

1). What am I extremely good at doing?

2). What do I find the greatest fulfillment doing?

3). What have I been trained to do?

4). What do others often call on me to do?

5). If I could fix ONE thing in the world, what would it be?

6). If I knew I could not fail, what would I do to fix the ONE thing?

7). If I had all the money I needed, what would I do for free?

8). Ask a close friend or relative to describe how they see your unique difference.

9). Ask a close friend or relative to describe how they see your area of passionate interest.

10). Ask a close friend or relative to describe how they see you impacting the world.

After completing the questions, take some time and sit quietly while pondering each response.

Be careful not to undo or think-away your answers. I’ve discovered that landing upon one’s

purpose is easy. However; overcoming the fear that prevents one from living from purpose is the

real challenge. Fight the fear that leads to stagnation.

Now, Simply decree...